Tuesday, March 6, 2007

QOTD - 3/6/07

What are your pet peeves?

Naomi's Answer:
When someone doesn't remember that they've seen a movie. To make it worse, if you plan a little movie-watching moment with someone to share with them this great movie they haven't seen and a little ways into it, they exclaim, "oh! I think I've seen this!"


Kyle F said...

People that wave when they cut you off in traffic. It like "Oh, I'm an a-hole, but I waved so it's OK". I would rather they just gave me the finger and moved on.

Anonymous said...

1. Merging...More to the point, the Seattle area drivers mind-numbing inability to grasp the concept of how this works...
2. Stupid people

Liz said...

when people write' alot' as if it is one word

Katie Davis said...

The incorrect use of the word "literally". I had a college professor who went overboard with this, "The world is literally tied together." Really, with twine or a pretty ribbon? and my favorite... "The population literally exploded". That is just AMAZING!