Wednesday, December 15, 2010

3 months

It goes by so fast. Our little girl is now 3 months old. She is a talker, loves to chat if you can catch her eye, although she is often looking around observing and soaking in her surroundings. She is beautiful, of course, and also a joy to cuddle with.

Here are some photos of her at 3 months.

This is one alert little girl (love the drool!):

She's a happy, mellow child who smiles lots and lots.

She totally looks like her father in this photo!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

First Haircut

Tonight I took my little man to get his first haircut. We have been loving the gorgeous, curly red locks, but it's been getting a tad unruly as of late. Too much Einstein and Don King, not enough scholarly Milici hair.

Check this out. Not a bad seat, eh?

The salon had so many kid-friendly distractions, Durkin didn't even know he was getting his hair cut until she got near his ears, and then he was all, you-don't-need-to-touch-my-ears thankyouverymuch... and where-did-you-come-from-anyway-lady?

Here are some photos from our excursion. I love my little 2-yr-old. He's so much fun!

A red airplane (that he could steer, yeah!), a pink balloon, a box full of toys... no wonder he didn't notice anything else.

Here is the don't-touch-my-ears discussion. Notice the comb in D's hands. Li'l helper.

After shots!
-- front --
-- back --

(thanks, Chiko, for the recommendation)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Introducing... Cecilia!

OK, so she's not exactly brand new, but she's still small enough that this can count as an announcement, right? I've heard that parents sometimes take fewer pictures of their second children (and any after that seldom see the camera lens at all), but trust me I've been taking some photos... just haven't had the time to upload them. Busy.

Our little darling girl is such a joy to be around. She is 8 weeks old today! I did manage to snap some photos this afternoon. Hope you like them.

I love this one. She looks a lot like her brother!
See Durkin at 1 month - click here.

She smiles and talks all the time now, and if you want to speak 'Cecilia' try making a 'guh' or a 'gah' sound from the back of your throat and she'll probably give you a high five. or maybe she'll write you a check. The translation might be a little hazy.

First smile I've caught on camera!

She's wonderfully expressive and has much to tell me. I cannot wait for the day when she really starts talking. I want to know everything she has to say. =)

Thanks for your patience in seeing photos of her, and thanks, as always, for all your love and gifts and oohs and ahhs. It's wonderful to have her in our house. Kiss, kiss.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Being a homeowner makes Halloween so much more fun than when we lived in an apartment. Last year we got quite a lot of visitors and so we bought plenty of candy again. This year we still had a good amount of scary costumed folks ringing our bell, but the leftover candy tells me our numbers were down. Perhaps more house decorations next year will do the trick. Until then, I'm sending most of the candy to the office so it's out of the house (save for a few Butterfingers. Yum!).

Here is our traditional jack-o-lantern on our front steps. Durkin likes to say it's a 'happy birthday pumpkin' because of the candle inside. Apparently, candles = birthday. period. no questions, no debate.

He wasn't interested in carving the pumpkin or in sticking his hands in the messy goo, thankyouverymuch, so that delightful task was left to mama. Truth be told, I loved every gooey moment of it!

Here he is coloring our pumpkin:

Auntie Lizzie and cousin Gabriel came over for some trick-or-treating. Liz and I looked at each other with tired mama's eyes as if to say, 'do we really want to do this?' While it seemed like work before we ventured out, it was a great night and we're so glad we did it!

Here are the boys in their super hero costumes. Super Gabriel! Super D! How funny they both had capes this year. For the photo, we tried to get them to stand side by side, but D kept standing in front... vanity? Nah, just a 2 yr old.

Thanks for the cape, Aunt Sandi!!

Our first house was the most decorated house on the block and almost too scary for D, but as long as I held him he was quite interested in all the spooky orange glow stuff going on. G simply marched into the house and loved seeing all the strange and interesting decorations, complete with a table set for pirates. So brave!

Once inside the house, D was fine to walk on his own, but as soon as he saw an animated bat with red, beady eyes, he pointed and said, "no that, mommy. no that." So, we got our coloring book, pencil and candy and beat a hasty retreat to the safety of the street.

The rest of the evening was short but lively. Gabriel was patient and sweet as he waited for Durkin at each house (2 is slower than 4), and when Gabriel knocked, he loudly proclaimed, "trick or treat!" - too bad he didn't wait for the door to be opened first. He made sure to say it loud enough for them to hear through the door. So cute!

Both boys got quite good at saying the right words to yield some candy. D insisted on carrying his candy from house to house, and so when we arrived at the next house, he'd put the candy IN the bowl instead of taking one OUT. The end result? He put candy into the bowls at every other house. Talk about paying it forward, eh? Lol!

And there was lots and lots of running - good thing there were no cars in the streets that night. D is quite fast these days and will run all the time if he can. At home, he runs in between rooms. Pretty cool when you think about it. The world would be a very fit place if we all ran everywhere instead of walking. When we weren't knocking on doors, both boys were either running or chasing the circle of light made by my flashlight, jumping into the circle and yelling, "I got it!"

Here they are after the outing. They started to take all their stuff off, so we had to snap a photo pretty quickly - I guess they wanted to get right down to eating their candy.

What a couple of great sports they were!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Yesterday was Durkin's 2nd birthday, and like any parent watching their child change on a daily basis, we still marvel at how far he's come in 2 short years. He's so much fun, loves to run, sing and dance. Loves tractors, cars and The Muppet Show. Loves Toy Story and calls Buzz Lightyear 'Budd Lightyear' -- do you see a beer commercial in there somewhere?

Last night I made a special dinner for the birthday boy. Pepperoni pizza, extra olives. This kid hearts olives. When Durkin got home from daycare, I turned on the oven light and asked him, "what's that?" to which he replied, "olives." You gotta love that toddler brain!

Here is the yummy pizza before going into the oven:

Viola! The finished product:

And, while it looks like he's enjoying his pizza, you wanna know what he ate? The olives. And a banana. Yes, folks, this 2-yr-old celebrated his birthday with a feast of banana and olives.

Here is the birthday boy, smiling big for the camera!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wedding Weekend

What fun we had visiting our very own wedding site to celebrate with Shannon and David. A beautiful day, a heartfelt wedding. And, with photo proof, fun was had by all. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4D Ultrasound

Holy cute little babies! What a nice surprise it was for us to get a successful 4D ultrasound this week. It's almost like looking at a real baby and she is getting so beautiful.

We can't wait to meet her. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my darling husband, father of my children. You are a calming presence in our lives, a great grill cook (hooray for summer!) and an all-around fun person to be with.

Thanks for being a great father to our boy. I love watching and listening to you play together, the sound of giggles echoing in my head. What a beautiful sound it is, and what a fun father you are.

We love you!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Our happy , handsome boy!

It warms a mama's heart (and an Auntie's too) to see these boys playing so well together. So much more fun in their future!

Here, they are negotiating how quickly D can fly down the slide. G is trying to be patient, but in the end 'helps' little D out. :)


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cali Visit

We had a wonderful vacation in the Bay Area. Thanks to all our amazing friends for hanging out with us and we're thrilled that we lucked out with mostly sunshine (weather report said it was supposed to rain all week).

Here are a few photos from the trip.

Twin Peaks:
We spent some time in Napa Valley and got to visit with one of my dearest friends Tracy. Tracy, I love you and miss you and your daughter is just gorgeous!

Little D on the farm:

One of the best people I know:

I'll post more photos soon!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

18 months

It's been a wild and wonderful ride getting to 1.5, but we're here and oh-so-happy!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I've always liked the number seven. It sounds good on the tongue; it is, or was, my sister's favorite number (mine was always eight). But to realize I have been without my darling father for seven years makes me like this number a little less today.

Most days I celebrate all I had with my dad... all the music, love, adventures and laughs. Today I am not celebrating, but instead am feeling rather melancholy as I reflect on what is missing from my life.

Sounds I miss - tea kettles boiling over and whistling rudely in the early morning hours as my starting-to-lose-his-hearing father forgot he put water on for tea. Soon after came the sounds of his slippers shuffling across the kitchen floor. I miss the turning of the paper-thin, crinkly pages of his Bible as he quietly read each morning, sometimes at the table, sometimes in a comfy chair. I even miss the sound of him clearing his throat. I miss his voice. I miss the guitar, which he often noodled around with, unobstrusively, in the background of our lives. That was so 'him,' to be out of the way and yet so present.

Sights I miss - the bathrobe, the slippers, his hands on his guitar or holding a pen as he recorded his thoughts or composed a letter to some lucky person. His little dance when a dance-worthy song came from the stereo. Hats, scarves, coats, socks - anything to keep warm. Baseball. Man, I miss the baseball, the finding of the perfect stick at the beach with which to send rocks flying into the ocean; the playing of catch in the yard and especially when he'd throw one reallysuperhigh to pretend I was catching was a pop fly.

Mostly I miss all that he is missing because he is gone. The weddings, the babies, the books to discuss, the questions I cannot ask him and the answers that will never come. I do not question why he is gone, that part has passed for me, but I still miss him.

Thank you, daddy, for marrying my beautiful mother and for giving me 3 gorgeous sisters, without whom I would not be handling your departure as well as I am. We still sing, we still laugh and we still cry. Our family is alive and well and your spirit is with us. Always.

Love, love, love,

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mild Winters

With the mildest winter I can remember, it's fun to take the little man outside to play in the wet grass and slippery deck. Maybe I can sell the snowsuit I bought (that's still hanging in the closet with the tags on). :)

Here are a few photos from a recent outside adventure in our back yard.

"Hi, mom."

Yeah! Being outside is fun!

Contemplating his next move.

Hey, dad, put me up there!

OK. Now, don't let go!

Hmm, I'm parched. Is there anything to drink around here?

Mmm, delish!