Monday, January 26, 2009

3 Months Old

Last week Durkin turned 3 months old. There is almost nothing cuter than a baby's little feet, so I had to make sure to chronicle the feet at the tender age of 3 months. That's my hand holding the feet and I got lucky to get one in focus since he's usually flailing about wildly with those darling piggies.

Here we are laughing at daddy, and wearing a great outfit from Autie Katie.

Blue, blue eyes make me so happy. Perfect when shown against the blue blanket made for us by Sandi.

Happy 3 months old, kiddo!

Weekend Adventures

Aunt Jocie got to visit with us for a few minutes on our way to the wedding expo (for Aunt Katie, so much fun!). Here, Durkin looks like "Where's Goldbug?" from a Richard Scarry book. I love those books and can't wait to read them with Durkin. Doesn't Jocie's hair look awesome in this photo? :)

Aaron put together the beautiful crib that Grandma Sarah bought for us. It's gorgeous! We took our first nap in it too. Photo had to be taken from a bit of a distance so as not to wake baby. I miss the days when loud noises didn't startle him awake.

Here we are celebrating that fabulous nap. Hip, hip, hooray! The lovely blanket was made by Kimber. Thank you, Kimber! Oh, and the 'Future DJ' shirt is in honor of daddy, of course.

On Sunday we got to visit some of our favorite people, Chiko, Shawn and Durkin's buddy Ethan, whom you'll remember was born 5 short days after Durkin. Chiko has some great recent photos of little Ethan on her blog - click here to see Chiko's blog.

Is it me, or does Durkin's belly look a tad larger than Ethan's? :)

Altogether now, "Lean on me... when you're not strong... I'll be your friend... I'll help you caaaaarry on."

Gorgeous boys:

Chiko and Ethan, Aaron with Durkin:

"um, dude, you have a small dandruff problem back here."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Baby's First Road Trip

Our first road trip as a family was out to see Grandma Sarah in Forks. I donned my new cap for the trip, which you'll see in this photo and a couple of others.

Top o' the mornin' to ya:

On Friday, Mike and Judi came for a visit. It was great to see them!

Steve, the decorative cat, is always a source of much joy and laughter. Here he is unwinding after a long day of napping:

While back home it was cloudy and yucky out, the sun shone brightly at Grandma Sarah's! We took a nice walk with the dog. Hooray for walks in the sun.

Me and my dad in our caps:

Saturday was a real treat, the band came over to play and we heard some of the best folk songs and blues we'd ever heard. Live music feeds the soul, especially this music.

Here is the band: Grandma Sarah, Dave, Peter and Roger:

Lots of people came to see me (although maybe they came to see the band too). We got to meet Bev for the first time, and were so excited we forgot to take a photo. We also saw Dave and Linda, Marge and Lonnie and Julie for a bit in the afternoon.

Here I am with Sherry. She likes me almost as much as her new puppy (who is 3 months old like me):
Of course, no trip to the Olympic Peninsula would be complete without a trip to the ocean. It was a glorious day although a bit cold.

Ahh, here I am peacefully enjoying the ocean:

On second thought... haaated it!

We had to stop in at Three Rivers for the best burgers in the world. I gnawed on my fists while mom, dad and grandma snacked on those tasty burgers. They had a Twilight menu too!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hand Over Fist

For the past month or so Durkin has been sucking on his right fist -- not the left, just the right. I often wake during the night to the sounds of the little man enjoying a nice knuckle sandwich. "Nom, nom, nom," goes Durkin. And sometimes, during daylight hours, he changes it up a little and opens the fist to snack on a finger or thumb.

This past week he finally located his left fist and now the nightly wakings are a bit louder due to the increased surface area available for the yummy treat.

Yesterday morning Durkin actually saw his right fist. He wiggles around plenty and I guess that fist finally came into view. He was on the changing table and staring (a little cross-eyed for the close proximity) at his right fist as if to say, "where on earth did that come from?" He studied it for a good couple of minutes and then went back to smiling at his mama.

Staring at his right fist happened again yesterday evening and once this morning. It's a whole new world and I'm sure he'll start grabbing mama's glasses very, very soon.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day Trippin'

Today we went to see Grandma Rita and Grandpa Jeff. They seem to think I'm pretty cute and can't stop kissing me. :)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sleep Position

Sometimes a baby will only sleep while on an incline. Thank goodness we inherited this papasan chair from our cousin Gabriel.

Oh, and we sometimes like a little hood of blankets so as to block out the window light.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

From our family to yours, we hope you have a wonderful 2009.

Little Durkin donned his ducky outfit to wish you a happy new year too.