Sunday, November 30, 2008

Baby's First Thanksgiving

We don't often get a chance to have a family photo taken, but being surrounded by loving family members is a great way to make that happen.

This year we went to Joc and Kevin's place and had a most delicious meal. That man can cook. I thought I took small-ish portions of each item, but my plate was still quite full of Thanksgiving yumminess. I ate and enjoyed every bite. yum! I somehow managed to make my traditional pumpkin cheesecake; quite a feat with a newborn in the house and it tasted just as good as I remember it... sinful. mmm, mmm, good.

Here we are about to enjoy our first course - the best pumpkin soup I've ever tasted!

Durkin looks like he has secret knowledge. I wonder what kind of wisdom he'll impart on us when he's finally able to speak.

Aaron gave Durkin a little mohawk while he was sleeping. Totally zonked and he didn't even have turkey.

I love this photo. It looks like he's making an effort to sleep, as if he's trying really, really hard.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Random Kindness

This morning I ventured out to a nearby drive-thru Starbucks and got the most amazing gift. The woman in front of me paid for my order. And, as luck would have it, I had ordered a half pound of coffee beans too. I was moved to tears to be treated so kindly by a generous stranger.

Isn't it amazing what a little kindness can do for a person? I always say you never know how you're going to affect a person, so you should try to be nice as often as you can.

When I lived in San Francisco I would sometimes pay the bridge toll of the car behind me. It gave me a huge lift to do something small and nice for someone I didn't know with no expectations for any kind of thank you or return gift. I loved it.

About the time I was in the habit of paying strangers' tolls there was a saying that was going around, "Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty." I love that creed.

No one had ever paid my bridge toll, not that I expected it, but I feel like today's coffee outing was a full-circle moment for those years in the Bay Area.

Thank you, stranger!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Birthday Celebration

This weekend we were honored to attend a birthday-cake-and-ice-cream party for 2 terrific young lads. Happy birthday, boys!

Also yesterday the little man turned 5 weeks old! Here I am with 2 of my aunties:

I love how he often folds his hands together. It makes my heart smile. =)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

5 week walk

Today little Durkin is 5 weeks old. I can hardly believe it's been 5 weeks since we had that amazing and transforming experience.

I got a little nap this morning and then took him out for a walk, which he loved even though it was a little cold.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

1 month old today

Today we celebrated our one month milestone by hanging out at home, taking an afternoon walk, and going to the pediatrician.

Durkin is now 8 lbs, 11 oz! He's almost looking chunky for the first time, which I think he wears well. He's 21 1/4 inches, so he's getting longer too. We had a shot today, which luckily he weathered pretty well, but it still completely sucks to watch a trusting little baby's face change to shocked horror after being stuck with a needle. I do not look forward to the next shots. :(

Here are some photos I took today. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A mother's love

To quote Holly Hunter in Raising Arizona, "I loooove him sooo much."

Monday, November 17, 2008

A visit from Ethan

On Sunday our good friends Chiko and Shawn brought Ethan over to visit Durkin - our first play date! Ethan was born just 5 short days after Durkin.

Chiko and I had a great time being pregnant together, sharing stories and wondering what it was all going to be like. It was fun to go through that together and now it's fun to be parents together too.

Thanks for coming to visit. I know Ethan and Durkin will be great friends.

Baby Bear

For my Auntie Liz's birthday we wore our baby bear outfit, which Liz gave to us. So cute!

Happy Birthday, Lizzie!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Latest doc visit

Today we had another weight check at our pediatrician's office. I should point out it was my first outing with just me and the baby, so that was a milestone in itself. :)

Durkin now weighs 7 lbs, 14 oz! So, we're finally at the point where we can feed him on demand, whenever he wants it. He's also been sleeping for longer stretches at night. Not every night, but once this week we did a full 5 hours. Amazing. I hardly believed we could get here and I'm so happy we did.

We took a trip to Seattle on Tuesday, to help Aunt Katie shop for her wedding dress. I have to say that Katie is going to be one radiant bride! But that's all I can say 'bout that for now.

Here are a couple of photos from our Seattle trip, all with a sleeping Durkin.

A much needed nap after our busy day of... napping:

Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy's MVP

Today is daddy's first day back at work, so we decided to wear our Daddy's MVP shirt in honor of our daddy. Thank you, Aunt Katie for the shirt!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Today we took our first walk around our neighborhood as a family of 3. It was a lovely day for a walk. :)

Here we are before the walk. At first we didn't want to get into our car seat, thankyouverymuch, but once daddy swung us around for a bit we settled in nicely.

Daddy and me:

Here we are after our walk. So content!

Happy Saturday!

Today we woke up refreshed and checked outside to see some sunlight through the rain.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I love being 17 days old

New photos from today. I am awake a lot more during the daytime now. I like to stare out the window and at my mom and dad.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And now we are 7 pounds

Hooray! We reached a huge and important milestone yesterday. We met again with our favorite pediatrician to check Durkin's weight. We were hoping for him to have reached his birth weight, but weren't expecting to surpass it. Woo hoo!

Durkin was 7 lbs, 1 oz on Monday, his day 15 of being in the world. It's a huge relief to see the weight gain and now we even get to back off a little on the feeding schedule... which means (perhaps) a little more sleep for mommy and daddy.

Today is Tuesday, election day, and Durkin in 16 days old. What a cutie. I took this photo just a few minutes ago. aww. =)