Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Visit to Grandma Rita

Today we made a surprise visit to see Durkin's Grandma Rita. We missed our Christmas this year with Aaron's family because of the darn snow. Our Christmas was scheduled on Saturday the 20th, which was pretty much the worst day to be out on the roads.

So, we were way overdue to visit Rita. It was such a treat and Durkin got to see his Grandma as a nice New Year's Eve surprise. Because it wasn't a planned visit I didn't have my camera... no photos to share, but we had a wonderful time.

Glad you were home, Rita!!

Little Tank

Yesterday we had our 2-month check up and all is well. Durkin has become a little tank with all his healthy eating. At his one-month check up he was in the 25-50% for weight. Now he's in the 75%!

Durkin weighs in at 13 lb. 7 oz. He's such a cutie and has finally stopped taking more food. I'm guessing this plateau will stick around for a while.

Here are some photos from our recent 'play date' with buddy Ethan. Chiko and Shawn invited us over to their lovely home - what a view of the lake! - and we thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with them. It's great having Ethan and Durkin just 5 days apart.

Ethan has a great smile!

Durkin is far more interested in his fist than in smiling at any camera:

Two very proud dads and their super cute boys:

I love how little Durkin looks next to his daddy. Aaron didn't know I was taking his photo, or I'm sure he would have smiled, or at least, ya know, looked toward the camera.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Walk Like a Man

I'm attempting to organize photos on my MAC, as I seem to need more space on my hard drive with all the photos of little Durkin I've been taking.

I might post a few random photos as I go through this process. Here is a photo of my mom and Gabriel that I just adore. G's face is too cute!

It was the weekend a bunch of us went to see the awesome musical Jersey Boys and Joc and I brought home a 'Walk Like a Man' t-shirt for little G. Wear it proud, G, wear it proud.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snow - Day 7

It's another beautifully white day at our house. I was up between 3-4 AM and that's when it started snowing again. It's noon and it still hasn't let up. It's completely gorgeous and lovely, but it'll be nice to venture out of the house soon. :)

Here is a view from our bedroom:

Yes, folks, this is the 7th day I've been in the house. We get out for walks, so that's fun, but considering it's Christmas Eve I normally would have been doing tons of errands around town. Although I'm excited to leave the house, I'm also thankful for the downtime. It makes me focus on the people in my life way more than any gift we might be giving each other.

Many people haven't had their garbage picked up in over a week. Our bins have been sitting on the curb since last Wednesday night. I'm not too worried about it, I know they'll get to us eventually.

And here they sit...


Here is a shot from a couple of days ago. Our eucalyptus tree in the foreground:

And because I know it's way more fun to look at photos of people, here are my two favorite men as they were hanging out this morning:

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Roll Over, Beethoven

Today, we rolled over for the first time!

We were doing our tummy time, and hanging in there a lot longer than we normally do (he's getting so strong), when he leaned a bit by favoring one arm over the other and over he went. I think he was as surprised as I was to find himself suddenly on his back. I stared at him in amazement. He stared at the lights on the ceiling. He loves lights.

Cool milestone.

Friday, December 19, 2008

2 Months Old

Today I am 2 months old. A lot has changed since I first saw the light at the end of...[edited for content]

Here is what I look like today:

I have tons to smile about these days:

Mom tried propping me up on my belly on this pillow thingy and I tell ya I wasn't all that thrilled with it, but I played along as best I could. I mean, the woman feeds me and all...

These are my cute 2-month-old feet:

OK, mom, stop taking my photo now. Let's go for a walk in the snow!

Ooh, pretty:

Today was really bright outside, so I hitched a ride inside my daddy's coat:

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Walk

Today was simply gorgeous. Not in a let's-take-a-drive kind of way, but in a let's walk around our quiet and peaceful neighborhood way.

The snow is beautiful and our little one got his first snow walk today.

Baby Bear

I'm so glad we snapped these photos. Little man is pretty much already grown out of this darling bear outfit.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Snow 2008

It started to snow yesterday during our gingerbread house party (see below). It didn't snow more than an inch or so. Still, it's pretty exciting to see snow at our very first house.

Gingerbread House Party

This is the second year we've had friends over to create a fun and festive gingerbread house. It's always a team effort and tons of fun.

This year's house was better constructed than last year's and I'm sure next year will be even better.

Click here for more photos.

Cheers to all!

ps - the song in the video happened to be on the radio... what luck. :)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

So many smiles

This is more like a smirk, and while it's super-duper cute it hardly scratches the surface of the awesome huge grins I've been seeing lately. I'm too busy enjoying them to snap any photos, but managed to get a little one this morning.

I love how his eyes seem to smile!

Hopefully, when he starts to smile a lot more frequently and regularly I'll get some great shots. Can't wait!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bad Sweater Party

Durkin attended his very first Christmas party last night. Here he is mid yawn, but, trust me, he had a wonderful time. So much love bestowed upon him.

Katie and Matt hosted a very funny party. Everyone wore the worst Christmas sweater they could find. Some creative souls hot glued ornaments, cotton balls and jingle bells to their sweaters... as if they weren't tacky enough. I wish I'd gotten photos of all the terribly awesome sweaters, but of course I pretty much only took photos of my baby. =)

Durkin loved the antlers atop Auntie Jocie's head.

Crystal holding baby:

Auntie Lizzie and cousin Gabriel took a little break from the main party area to watch a DVD. Liz was running (and I mean running, not walking) after Gabriel for much of the night. Sometimes a mom just needs to sit down with her kid.

Katie's feet. Aren't these awesome!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mommy Movie

On Thursday, Durkin and I saw what I hope will be many mommy+me movies. Some of the local theaters have a time each week where parents can bring their kids to watch movies. In fact, you aren't allowed in the theater without a kid. So I guess if you don't have one, get a rental. =)

This week we saw Twilight with our friends Chiko and Ethan. What a fun outing for 2 tired moms and their adorable babies!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Big Yawn

This is what I get to wake up to most mornings. So cute! =)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Video

Amazing how babies can dance even when they are asleep. He's so gifted. Apparently, our kid likes the tunes of Blind Melon.

Thanksgiving Part Deux

We celebrated our second Thanksgiving on Saturday with Aaron's family. What a blessing to have 2 great families to celebrate with!

Here I am with baby in the Moby Wrap. This invention totally rocks.

All eyes on baby:

Auntie Lindsay holding baby: