Wednesday, March 28, 2007

QOTD - memorable restaurants

Do you consider yourself a foodie? I sure am, and I've enjoyed many great meals both in restaurants and at home. My friend Phil is having a going-away party at a local bar called Valhalla. While I've not been to this bar (is it a dive? dunno), the name brings back great foodie memories from my days in Sausalito.

Valhalla's piano and accompanying cello would warmly greet you as you stepped in from the boardwalk planks of the Sausalito nook. Tall ceilings and a seasoned bartender met you just beyond the piano. The food was always outstanding, buttery sauces, heavenly meats and cheeses and theirs was the kind of service where someone's job was solely to replace forks or spoons at the precise moment you might need them. I felt so taken care of, and I soaked it up! Even the restrooms were stunning.

I have eaten at Valhalla with my old roommate Kelly (we lived in walking distance), with my mom and dad when they came to visit and with a number of dear friends. Ahh, Valhalla, I miss ye so. I have heard another restaurant has sprouted up in its place.

Today's question - what are some of your most memorable restaurants?

Monday, March 26, 2007

QOTD - music from a friend

Whenever I listen to my iPod on shuffle long enough, I'm bound to hear the driving sounds of Muse. This band rocks! In particular a song called, "Time is Running Out" makes me want to crank this one to 11.

This music was introduced to me by my co-worker and friend Nathan. I think his taste in music is more hard-core than my own, but that's what makes a find like this so great... I probably wouldn't have found it on my own.

Question -- what music have you come to love that was given to you by a friend?

Friday, March 23, 2007

QOTD - What did you eat for breakfast?

I've been quiet all week, due to an awful 'cold' I caught. Finally went to the doc and he called it a viral infection, which basically has to run its course... which, btw, seems to be taking forever. Today is Friday and I have been out of work all week. That must be some kind of record, I've never been this sick for this long!

So, I have little brain but to ask what you had for breakfast today? I'm looking for good breakfast ideas, so I truly do want to know this mundane stuff.

Naomi's answer:
2 chocolate chip cookies (homemade by Aaron to help me feel better) when I awoke today at approx. 11:30 AM.

Friday, March 16, 2007

QOTD - What can you live without?

One of my favorite comedians, Mitch Hedberg (may he rest in peace), has a great little stint where he says, "ya know, they could probably do away with Sesame Seeds and I wouldn't even miss them." So that got me to thinking... What could I live without and really not miss?

Naomi's Answer:
Television Commercials. While there are some that I like (a lot), it's not enough to make up for the LOUD interruptions and annoying content that is part of our TV-viewing world. This might be one of the main reasons I currently don't have cable TV. I watch a lot of Netflix these days, which is great fun, and I'm blessed by not having the sit through 30-second 'clever' spots.

Sometimes I see these ads and I think to myself, "wow. someone had a meeting and decided this was a good idea."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

QOTD - 3/15/07

Do you quote movies? If yes, which movies do you quote most often?

Naomi's Answer:
Long ago I created a list of "Top 10 Quotable Movies" because I realized to limit myself to just a list of my all-time favorites was just too, well, limiting. Here are some flicks from my Quotable Movie List:

The Jerk
The Princess Bride
Big Lebowski
French Kiss
Grosse Pointe Blank
Billy Madison (I used to quote this a lot, not so much anymore)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

QOTD - 3/14/07

On the topic of rock shows, what concert was your biggest disappointment?

Naomi's answer:
By far and away it was the REM show at Shoreline Amphitheater. Yuck.

I should have seen them in college, along with U2, but I couldn't afford it or felt obligated to some early-morning math quiz or some other lame excuse. I shoulda, I shoulda, I shoulda. When I finally saw U2 it was pretty good, but REM was just awful.

I went with a friend from work and a group of his friends. Maybe it's because we got there late, or maybe it had something to do with everyone taking mushrooms (except me), or that we sat at the very, very back of the venue on the lawn...

The songs they sang were not the ones I wanted to hear (I'd been a fan for years) and anyway I could barely hear the music (San Jose having recently implemented new noise ordinance levels). I was cold, annoyed and all too aware I had missed the REM boat by about 5 years.

total bummer, man.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

QOTD - 3/8/07

I have this mental list of bands I must see before they die (or stop playing entirely). What bands are on your list?

Naomi's answer:
*Rusted Root (although I feel I'm getting too old for this)
*Paul Simon
*The Police (who are playing Seattle, but may be too expensive)
*John Jorgenson
*Indigo Girls
*J. Geils Band (just kidding)
*Rolling Stones
*Mark Knopfler

Also, here are bands I have seen that were on that list:
Bob Dylan
Van Morrison
Tom Petty (man, what a show!)
Presidents of the United States of America
Dave Matthews Band
Belle & Sebastian
Fleetwood Mac
Nickel Creek (not to be confused with Nickelback)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

QOTD - 3/7/07

What are you grateful for?

Naomi's Answer:
I'm grateful for really big headphones that block out all the inane conversations that sometimes take place near me.

Today I am listening to streaming radio from San Francisco: The best time to listen to this is at 10 AM weekdays for "10 @ 10." I highly recommend it.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

QOTD - 3/6/07

What are your pet peeves?

Naomi's Answer:
When someone doesn't remember that they've seen a movie. To make it worse, if you plan a little movie-watching moment with someone to share with them this great movie they haven't seen and a little ways into it, they exclaim, "oh! I think I've seen this!"

Friday, March 2, 2007

QOTD - 3/2/07

What was the first CD you ever purchased (provided you are old enough to remember the transition from cassette to CD)?

Naomi's Answer:
The Smiths "Louder Than Bombs"
The Cure "Staring at the Sea: The Singles"

man, those are still great albums!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

QOTD, 3/1/07

First, H a p p y B i r t h d a y, K a t i e!!

So, in honor of my sister's birthday.... What is your favorite, or worst, or most interesting birthday memory?

Naomi's Answers:

Answer #1: My first thought is a lovely amalgam of childhood birthdays, filled with colored crepe-paper streamers, homemade cakes in the design that I chose (mom is so cool!), and a chance to pick out the 1 single, sugar-cereal I was allowed per year. I almost always chose Lucky Charms. There was one birthday where I was feeling particularly popular; I was probably 11 or 12 and I was feeling pretty cool with the collection of girls from my school gathered in our home. I overheard one, ultra-cool girl ask another, "do you know what color her room is?" Apparently, she had gotten me a little blue music box and was worried it might not match my "colors."

That was the first time I was aware that people had "colors" or "themes" for their bedrooms. Our house was more colorful and lively and on the hippie side of fashion. Was I a lesser person for not having a coordinated bedroom? Yikes. I think I remember being a little embarrassed at the time, but I can honestly say at this point in my life I soo don't care. I loved my childhood and all that I am because of it. I wouldn't change a thing.

Answer #2: Last year's birthday was great! I went out to dinner at the Crab Cracker with my now-fiance Aaron, along with his family and my family. Even Uncle Ken joined in. Then it was back to my apartment for ice cream sundaes! Lots of friends showed up and everyone brought different toppings and we all loaded up. Maria and Forest brought me Margarita glasses to be used for the sundaes. They were a hit! That was a pretty great party, thanks everyone!