Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

That husband o' mine sure knows how to treat a gal on her birthday. I woke to the perfect birthday card and a chocolate cupcake. Now, I'm off to a spa day as a treat from my man.

hippo birdie 2 me!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

To my darling husband on Father's Day,

Last October I watched you become a father, watched you worry and wonder about this terrific kid that we created together. It's been a pleasure to watch you take on the role of father.

Thank you for everything that you do for us.

Thank you for playing with Durkin and making him laugh.

I wish you a happy, peaceful, and wonderful 1st Father's Day. I hope you enjoy the gifts that Durkin and I picked out for you!

Mommy and Baby

Saturday, June 20, 2009


There is nothing quite as lovely as a sleeping baby.

Friday, June 19, 2009

8 months old

Eight months goes by at the same pace as always, time being linear and all that, but when you have a baby and you witness a little being develop and grow and learn and change, those 8 months feel like a tiny little blip in time. Every parent will tell you the same thing, and we're now part of that club.

Durkin is loving peas and sweet potatoes, and he likes carrots OK, but he has little love for rice cereal and apples. no thank you, mama. He has also started the first phases of crawling, which is quite exciting. Lots of rocking back and forth and this week he wiggled his way backwards across the floor about 4 feet or so.

Here are some photos taken this morning. Enjoy!

This was taken a few moments after I told Durkin he turned 8 months old today:
If you're looking for the perfect chew toy, try a pink hippo:
[check out the cute tuft of hair sticking up.]

The man of a thousand facial expressions:

And some photos look best in black & white...

Happy 8 months old, little man!
Mommy and Daddy