Every gal needs a hat. Mine was given to me by my darling fiancé before he was my fiancé. We were at the Seattle Symphony last Christmas, seeing A Gospel Christmas I believe, and I tried this hat on in the little gift shop. I sure did like it! A few weeks later I opened presents and low and behold there was the hat!
I feel like a lady in this hat. Like my grandmother would love it and approve.
I approve
- not your grandmother, but sortof
You look terrific! Which grandmother? My mom or Sally's mom? My mom was a total hat wearer and she looked great in them, so I'm biased and will think you mean Grandma Pat. Grandma Hat-Pat.
I love you, Nomi!
Ellen Mellen Lemon (Grandpa Chuck's name for me)
I think you're right, I picture Grandma Pat in hats more than Jane. To be fair I was probably thinking of both of them when I wrote this. :)
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