Having lived in the earthquake-prone Bay Area for almost a decade you'd think I would have learned a thing or two about storing heavy objects in high places. Now living in the Seattle area, also earthquak-prone (they feed us the it-can-come-any-day fear), you'd think I would have taken these storage tips seriously. Not so much.
This black eye is the result of having stored a heavy, glass vase on top of the refrigerator. Did I leave the heavy vase near the edge on purpose so that when I opened the freezer door it would coming crashing down on me in a hilarious prankster moment? No. This fridge hums quite loudly so our only explantion is that the vase 'worked' its way down toward the edge, playing its own joke on the unsuspecting owner.
A note about black eyes. This one sucks; it's so lame! I got enough pain for a real shiner, but instead I am blessed with something that looks like I spent a little too much time at the make-up counter trying the latest reds and pinks. again, lame. But it's my black eye and so I'm kinda proud of it. so proud I had to take a photo.
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