Today I was hit by a bus while walking in a crosswalk.
Yes, really, hit by a bus.
Most importantly, let me say that I am OK. I don't seem to be hurt in any significant way. But it was a strange and scary experience for me.
I was in line at the Edmonds ferry, on my way to my mom's for Christmas. I had about 20 minutes before the ferry was to come, so I went to fetch some yummy coffee at the Cafe Vita across the street that I love so much.
I pushed the walk signal button, waited on the curb and when the signal changed from 'red hand' to 'white walking guy' I proceeded into the intersection. Halfway through, the bus hit me from behind. It's kind of unbelievable really. Who gets hit by a bus?? Or rather, who gets hit by a bus and walks away so 'OK'? Here I am, a few hours later, at my mom's, just out of an Epsom salt bath and feeling quite a bit better, wondering how I got so lucky.
For someone hit by a bus, I'm doing fantastically well. Just a few scrapes and bruises. Physically I seem OK, but I gotta tell ya, I was shaken. This HUGE thing hit me from behind, knocked me to the ground and seemed not to stop.
There was this moment after the first hit, that I realized the bus wasn't going to stop. In that sub-second I was sure I was going to die. My only question was, 'which part of my body will this bus run over?' I was pretty sure it would be my mid-section, right over my belly. But then it did stop and I realized there were voices on the bus screaming. I learned later this young couple had seen me BEFORE I was hit, had yelled at the driver BEFORE I was hit, but when I was actually hit they began screaming louder for the bus to stop.
I'm not sure the bus driver ever saw me. I think he heard them.
This young girl, maybe 23 years old, came running off the bus. She asked if I was OK, I nodded, crying, and she hugged me tightly. I sobbed. I was so scared and this stranger was so kind to me. I was so grateful for that hug. Thank you. She and her boyfriend were my advocates, made sure 911 was called and angrily yelled at the bus driver while I was too stunned to be angry. Anger didn't seem the right emotion for me.
Relief was a better emotion. I was alive. I was a little too aware how quickly it can all be taken away, this life. People do die like that, in an instant. My accident was nothing like that, but it could have been.
What if he hadn't stopped?
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