This novel by Sara Gruen is what my book club chose to read this month. We had our meeting last night, which was great and lively as always, even though I'm only half-way through the book.
This story is told through an old man, in an assisted living home, who tells us he's Ninety. or Ninety Three. I love that he can't quite remember. He's got tons of spark, which we find out quickly as he catches another home resident in a lie. A lie only our hero knows because he used to work in a circus. That's right, a carnie.
I'm going to try to keep track of the books our book club is reading, partly so I have a log of all that, but also to see if it sparks some good discussions.
For instance, what are you reading these days?
at the moment i'm extremely happy to read the new book by my favorite author Richard Russo: Bridge of Sighs. every single sentence pure unadulterated joy!
Hi Nome,
This really isn't about your book... Unfortunately, I don't get much chance to read--just a few minutes before I zonk out at night. And I only read what my mom sends me, though I don't think she'll be sending me anymore books since there's no more international surface mail (only airmail). Bummer!!! I'll keep "Water for Elephants" in mind, though, in case I come across it somewhere.
Just wanted to let you know I was still checking out your blog regularly, and thank you for participating in the FHS Class of '87 blog!!!
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