Yesterday we had our 2-month check up and all is well. Durkin has become a little tank with all his healthy eating. At his one-month check up he was in the 25-50% for weight. Now he's in the 75%!
Durkin weighs in at 13 lb. 7 oz. He's such a cutie and has finally stopped taking more food. I'm guessing this plateau will stick around for a while.
Here are some photos from our recent 'play date' with buddy Ethan. Chiko and Shawn invited us over to their lovely home - what a view of the lake! - and we thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with them. It's great having Ethan and Durkin just 5 days apart.
Ethan has a great smile!
Durkin is far more interested in his fist than in smiling at any camera:
Two very proud dads and their super cute boys:
I love how little Durkin looks next to his daddy. Aaron didn't know I was taking his photo, or I'm sure he would have smiled, or at least, ya know, looked toward the camera.
1 comment:
I think I see BFFs in their future! So adorable. Thanks for sharing, again!
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