When we started looking to buy a house in the very recent past I was sure we would go a little north. The one thing I was certain of is not wanting to go any more east. East felt like I was getting trapped away from my family, away from the fun city of Seattle.
Well, what's 5 miles, really? :)
We took a second look at a house last night, which happens to be 5 miles east of where we are now. It's a pretty cute little place, and we're strongly considering making an offer on this one. We can see our family grow here. The backyard is fantastic!
If you're so inclined, please say a little prayer for us that all goes well with this process, that we can afford it (gulp) and that we enjoy the experience without too many headaches.
Buying your first house is so exciting! I'll light a candle for you at Adoration today!
If it feels right, then it is. Go grow your family there!
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