Sunday, August 26, 2007

Crying over pasta

OK, so this was a first... this evening I came home from a lovely day of this and that and wasn't in the mood to cook anything complicated, so I was making my old stand-by, Shrimp Scampi. Turns out there wasn't any pasta in the house.

And how did I handle that? Not well. I broke down in tears over there not being anything 'simple' to cook in the house (we are eating really well these days, cooking most meals from scratch) and Aaron looked at me sweetly, gave me a hug and drove to get me some Thai take-out.

Now, that's my kind of man.


Anonymous said...

You wouldn't be marrying him if he wasn't the type to do that kind of thing. The real question, for both of you, is, will he still do that after you've been married for 5 years or so and you're both feeling tired, AND, will you still appreciate it enough to add it to a blog? I hope so for both of you!!!

jocelyn said...

There's no crying in baseball OR wedding planning! :-} Yeah, right.