Monday, June 18, 2007

my cat has arthritis

so sad. anyone have any experience with this? i don't want to give her yucky medicine that in the end is going to give her kidney failure or something. I need to look into holistic healing. poor kitty.

it's both her hips and her left knee is also having problems. huh. my left knee has been giving me issues lately.


Anonymous said...

Pudg still has problems in the knee where he had ACL surgery. This usually only happens when the weather changes, which isn't often in LA so we don't give him treatments now. Ask your vet more specific info about treatment with aspirin. I know when Pudg first hurt himeself that was what we were advised to do and did. If you keep the doses low enough then I think the side affects can be avoided. At first it's a little scary because we've all heard not to give cats aspirin, but once you see it working, then you feel better.

Good luck and good wishes.

Gramma Sarah said...

So like you and Cali take two and a half tab aspirins respectively and call me in the morning. That'll be 25 cents.

Phil H. said...

I am living with two small animal vets for another few days, I'll see if they have any tips, besides the yucky meds...

Amy said...

!shark cartilege!

Liz said...

holistic healing. take the poor kitty to get Reiki treatments.