The most amazing thing happened to me today... I was asked to be in a church choir! Yes, me.
Anyone who knows me knows I love to sing, and over the years I've learned to harmonize pretty well. I've sung with my family at a few Masses (Grandma Pat's funeral, Easter Mass, Christmas...), but I still haven't had the confidence to pursue anything 'professional.'
I've been going to St. Jude's Catholic Church for over a year now. They have a Gospel Choir at the 11 AM Mass on Sundays that I find hard to miss. By the closing hymn I'm clapping my hands and almost dancing. We go most Sundays. I love the parish community as well. This past year I helped teach religious education to 1st, 2nd, and 4th graders. What great kids!
There is a 5:30 PM Mass that I have been wanting to attend, to hear what that music has to offer (the 4th graders tell me it's "awesome").
This morning after Mass the man sitting next to me asked if I was a parishoner.
"Yes," I replied.
"Have you been to the 5:30 Mass?"
"No, but I've always wanted to."
"I play guitar in the band and you have a beautiful voice. I'd love it if you joined the choir."
My hand flew to my mouth, covering it in fascinated surprise. ME?! Someone liked my voice and wanted me to sing in a choir?
Talk about a dream come true. I've always wanted to sing more, and never felt quite like I could do it. My confidence has increased greatly as of late, especially with the loving encouragement of my mother - who, by the way, has one of the best singing voices in my known world.
This could be really fun! They start up again in September and practice each Tuesday night.