This is one happy baby. Even with a really bad cold this week, Cecilia was a content and smiley little darling. I caught the same cold and I was not nearly as pleasant. :)
Today she turned 5 months old. We can hardly believe it was that long (and short!) ago that she came into our lives. She rolls over constantly, smiles and talks, and is even getting ready to crawl - we are not ready to have our floors that clean, so please feel free to take your own sweet time baby girl.
Here is our smiley girl in a cute hand-me-down outfit from friend Lily:
I decided to start her on food a little earlier than we did with Durkin. Today Cecilia sampled some rice cereal. Durkin wanted to try it, so I let him. He practically spit it out as it was "so gross." LOL. That'll teach 'im.
Cecilia didn't really have a strong opinion one way or another, but she got a little bit into her tummy.

At 5 months, big brother Durkin has really gotten the hang of making his sister laugh. If she isn't in the same room with him, he asks where she is and loves to tickle her and direct her to smile if she doesn't respond fast enough.
"Smile," he says to her. A lot. I say to him, "You can't make someone smile." But as I speak these words, she turns to me and smiles. A lot.