We got to visit Auntie Katie and Uncle Matt and for a special treat my Aunt Susan and Uncle Duck paid a visit too!
In prime Durkin fashion, here he is, completely thrilled with the shadows on the rug. We very deliberately dressed him in the same pants that cousin Gabriel wore for his .5 photo. =)
Who doesn't love the hungry little caterpillar, especially when it comes in the form of a delicious rattle. Sandi, that's your shirt!
"And then what happened, Aunt Katie?"
"I like Uncle Matt. He's nice."
After a grueling workout of 1 push-up:
"Uncle Duck doesn't have a beard. I didn't know faces came like this. I think I might eat his chin later."
And, here is the now famous scene, just moments before Durkin tumbled backwards on his noggin. Tiiiiimber!